• Congratulations to Dr. Lidor Shaar Moshe, Dr. Hanan Sela, Prof. Assaf Distelfeld for winning the BARD, The US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, 2024

  • Congratulations to Liraz Cabra-Leikin (supervised by Tamar Keasar) and Efrat Toren (supervised by Nir Sapir & Yossi Yovel – Tel Aviv U) for winning the KKL sustainability awards to PhD students granted for the first time this year.

  • Congratulations to Tzion Fahima and his team and Eibi Nevo for publishing  a paper in Nature CommunicationsLi et al 2024 A membrane associated tandem kinase from wild emmer wheat – Nature Communications

  • Congratulations to Prof. Eran Tauber for winning an EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action for doctoral education and postdoctoral training for research of biological clocks in Insects.

  • The Livnat lab just published a new, highly innovative research paper in the journal Genome Research showing that the malaria-resistant HbS mutation originate faster in the gene and in the population where it is of adaptive significance, providing first evidence on nonrandom mutation origination, challenging the Darwinian evolution paradigm that is accepted by scientists for many decades. Therefore, this pioneering work is expected to have an important contribution to the field of evolutionary biology.

  • Congratulations to Abraham Korol, Prof. emeritus of the institute and the department, who was part of an official delegation of the university for establishing effective collaboration with Skolkovo Research Center (a new elite center in Moscow).

  • Congratulations to Prof. Assaf Distelfeld, head of the Institute of Evolution and member of the Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, has won the prestigious Rita Levi-Montalcini Prize. The Rita Levi-Montalcini Prize is awarded to a single Israeli scientist each year.  The ceremony is planned to take place in the coming April in Rome.

  • Congratulations to Nimrod Shteindel, a PhD student in our department who just published a paper demonstrating that bacteria don’t only communicate but also behave. His paper shows that when facing a predator bacteria can coordinate an attack, disabling the predator, and thus avoiding predation. This behaviour is similar in many ways to the “Mobbing” behaviour seen in animals and demonstrated in prokaryotes for the first time.
    The paper was published OA in Micrbiology Spectrum and can be found  here: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/Spectrum.00642-21
    Kol Hakavod Nimrod (and his supervisor Yoram Gerchman)

  • Congratulations to Prof. Tzion Fahima for representing us at the EXPO exhibition in Dubai in the coming February. Tzion will talk during a conference organized by the Ministry of Agriculture on: Protection of Food Crops from Devastating Diseases: A Basis for Increased Food Security and Environmental Safety

  • Congratulations to Prof. Sagi Snir for winning the very competitive Grant of  ISF  and Mid-career Equipment Grant

  • Congratulations to Dr. Sarit Avrani for winning the GIF (The German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development) grant for  young scientists.
  • Prof. Moshe Inbar and Dr. Tali Berman New research In YNET 17/10/2021
  • Congratulations to all our graduates M.Sc. and PhD years 2020, 2021.
    We were all excited to meet you finally face to face last Tuesday 6/7/2021  to celebrate together your graduation.
    The Department ceremony took place at the MIZPOR Eshkol Tower with family and friends as well as members of the faculty.
    We wish you best of luck.
  • Big congrats to our member Leonid Brodsky for his new paper in Nature Communication.
    The paper presents a combined experimental evolution and computational approach to identify defective viral genomes (DVGs) that is a potential component in antiviral therapeutics. This is the 5th(!) Nature paper (among other papers) of Leonid in seven years, where in all these papers he is a key contributor.

  • Congratulations to Adi Livnat for getting tenure and Associate Professor.

  • Congratulations to Prof.  Assaf Distelfeld for his promotion to the rank of Full professor. Since his recent arrival from Tel Aviv Univ. Assaf has made significant contributions, either by his remarkable publications, or the recruitment of impressive number of grad students, and most of all, heading the Inst of Evolution”

  • Big pride to the Dept, and big congrats to Dr. Iamd Shams, for the insightful paper in Nature Aging
    Imad, among two other researchers, supervised a novel research at his lab,
    mediated by his flag-organism the Spalax, showing a surprising linkage between aging and COVID-19 tendency. In the current research, which follows another recent paper of the Imad’s lab explaining the extraordinary longevity of the spalax (Odeh et al, Aging Cell.), the researchers report on surprising capability of maintaining a “fresh” immune system along life-span, that may be useful to combat COVID-19.

  • Greetings to Prof. Moshe Inbar for winning the very competitive  China/Israel fund.

  • PLOS Biology published a list of 100,000 leading scientists in their field, based on some rankings from Google Scholar. Univ. of Haifa has 68 researchers in the world-ranking-of-scientists HAIFA and ISRAEL, which is fairly congruent to its ranking in Israel. However our dept. has 8 representatives in this list, far beyond its relative size in the university. This ranking, among other recent achievements of the dept., indicate the leading role of the dept. in evolutionary and environmental science university-wide, nation-wide, and world-wide. The list of U Haifa researchers is attached. More details of the ranking and other rankings can be found in the article.
  • Big congrats to our students who won awards in the student competition in the Zoological Society Conference that was held in Sunday, Dec 13th:

    Michall Avdeev  – 2nd prize, best poster competition

    Achiad Sviri – 2nd prize, best long oral talk, M.Sc. students

    Yosef Kiat – 3rd prize, best short oral talk, Ph.D. students

  • Big pride: Benny Trabelsy, a PhD student under supervison of Prof. Yoram Gerchman and Prof.  Ido Itzhaki, won the ISBE  best poster award 2020 . This  year we had 10(!) speakers from our department in the annual 2nd Meeting of the Israeli Society for Evolutionary Biology.Congratulations Benny, Yoram and Ido.

  • Big Congrats to our new member  Prof. Assaf Distelfeld and our past student Valentyna Klymiuk (from Prof Tzion Fahima’s lab), for *another* very important paper in a line of pioneering works and publications exploring the genomics and evolution of wheat. This achievement continues the legacy started by Eibi Nevo, followed by Tzion Fahima (that is still very active and just recently won a very prestigious nomination), and now Assaf that took the Institute of Evolution chair, making U Haifa a prominent leading centre in wheat research.
  • Congratulations to our member Prof. Tzion Fahima who was recognized by the US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD), as world-class contributors to combating food insecurity

  • Congratulations to the department’s MSc student, Achiad Sviri, upon winning a scholarship for an inter-university collaboration, awarded by the Zoological Society of Israel. Achiad completed his BSc studies at the Department of Biology and Environment at Oranim. His MSc research is supervised by Dr. Avi Bar Massada and Prof. Tamar Keasar.
  • Prof. Nir Sapir was interviewed to Ynet on a big research project he is leading in collaboration with KAKAL. The project investigates why millions of European forest birds come to Israel to spend their resting days in forests around Israel on their way to Africa.
  • On  June 23rd we presented the dept and fields of research to our new candidates on Zoom. You’re welcome to get in and watch. For further information please contact the office.
  • Big congrats to Dr. Eyal Privman for winning his second NSF/BSF grant titled “Exploiting the evolution of odorant discrimination in ants to decipher the olfactory code”.
  • Dr Eyal Privman interviewed in Haaretz on the topic of Social Insects
  • Congratulations to Tzion Fahima
    and Eyal Privman who won very important Research Grant of BSF-NSF.
  • Prof. Eran Tauber  interview in Emily and the Professor radio show After the enlightening article in haAretz, Eran Tauber was interviewed in the radio to the program Three that Know (שלושה שיודעים).
    Congratulations Eran for a very nice article that covered your research and the excellent Darwin Day.  

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