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Moshe Inbar



Phone: +972-4-8288767

Office location: Multi-Purpose Building, room 70



Research Interests:

Animal (in particular insects) – plant interactions from ecological and evolutionary points of view


Specific research interests:

  1. Direct interactions between mammalian and insect herbivores
  2. Ecology and evolution of gall forming insects
  3. Ecology of herbivorous insects


Selected publications:

  1. Berman TS, Laviad-Shitrit S, Ofek-Lalzar M, Halpern M & Inbar M (2018) Cascading effects on bacterial communities: Cattle grazing causes a shift in the microbiome of a herbivorous caterpillar. ISME Journal 12:1952-1963.
  2. Berman TS, Ben-Ari M, Glasser TA, Gish M & Inbar M (2017) How goats avoid ingesting noxious insects while feeding. Scientific Reports 7.1:14835
  3. Gish M, Ben-Ari M & Inbar M (2017) Direct consumptive interactions between mammalian herbivores and plant-dwelling invertebrates: prevalence, significance and prospectus. Oecologia 183:347-352.
  4. Ben-Ari M & Inbar M (2014) Aphids link different sensory modalities to accurately interpret ambiguous cues. Behavioral Ecology 25:627-632.
  5. Ribak G, Gish M, Weihs D & Inbar M (2013). Adaptive aerial righting during the escape dropping of wingless pea aphids. Current Biology 23:R102-R103.
  6. Rostás M, Maag D, Ikegami M & Inbar M (2013) Gall volatiles defend aphids against a browsing mammal. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:193.
  7. Gish M, Dafni A & Inbar M (2010) Mammalian herbivore breath alerts aphids to flee host plant. Current Biology 20:626-627.
  8. Inbar M & Gerling D (2008) Plant-mediated interactions between whiteflies, herbivores and natural enemies. Annual Review of Entomology 53:431-448.
  9. Inbar M, Doostdar H & Mayer RT (2001) Suitability of stressed and vigorous plants to various insect herbivores. Oikos 94:228-235.
  10. Inbar M, Eshel A & Wool D (1995) Interspecific competition among phloem – feeding insects mediated by induced host plant sinks. Ecology 76:1506-1515.