Big pride: Benny Trabelsy, a PhD student under supervison of Prof. Yoram Gerchman and Prof. Ido Itzhaki, won the ISBE best poster award!

Big pride: Benny Trabelsy, a PhD student under supervison of Prof. Yoram Gerchman and Prof.  Ido Itzhaki, won  best poster award 2020 .  This  year we had 10(!) speakers from our…

Continue ReadingBig pride: Benny Trabelsy, a PhD student under supervison of Prof. Yoram Gerchman and Prof. Ido Itzhaki, won the ISBE best poster award!

Congratulations to Inbal Schekler, a PhD student at Dr Nir Sapir lab. Inbal won a third prize for a Ph.D. student presentation at the conference of the Zoological Society of Israel that was held last Sunday. Inbal presented her research titled: Songbird migration in Israel: Where, when and why? Kol haKavod Inbal and continue this way!

Continue ReadingCongratulations to Inbal Schekler, a PhD student at Dr Nir Sapir lab. Inbal won a third prize for a Ph.D. student presentation at the conference of the Zoological Society of Israel that was held last Sunday. Inbal presented her research titled: Songbird migration in Israel: Where, when and why? Kol haKavod Inbal and continue this way!