Time & place: 27-28/5/19; Safdie Auditorium
To commemorate the 90th Birthday anniversary of our Professor (Emeritus) Eviatar (Eibi) Nevo, a dedicated two-days event New Horizons in Evolution will take place at our campus on May 27-28/2019. Prof. Nevo, a world-renowned Professor of evolutionary biology, established and directed the Institute of Evolution (IOE, 1973-2008) and the International Graduate Center of Evolution (IGSE; 2004-2008). His scientific career involved interdisciplinary studies of biodiversity evolution, adaptation and speciation across all life forms, from viruses and bacteria through fungi, plants, animals, and humans. The invited speakers in the conference will be leading scientists who have accompanied Prof. Nevo along his impressive career. For more details and registration please click here.