Office location: Multi-Purpose Building, room M-14
Research Interests:
My research is focused on mathematical and algorithmic solutions to problems in bioinformatics, in particular in the field of evolutionary tree reconstruction (phylogenetics). The tools we use are from fields such as combinatorial optimization, statistics and probability, mathematics, and information theory. Our research is characterized by ample collaborations with researchers from broad disciplines under the general framework of a systematic analysis of evolutionary processes aiming at finding biologically significant patterns. See detailed
Specific research interests:
- Supertree Methods for Large Scale Phylogenetic Reconstruction.
- Analytical Detection of Horizontal Transfer.
- Universal PaceMaker of Genome Evolution and Aging.
- Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic Reconstruction.
- Convex Recoloring.
- Hadamard Conjugation.
Selected publications:
- Chor, A. Khetan and S. Snir, "Maximum Likelihood on Four Taxa Phylogenetic Trees: Analytic Solutions" .RECOMB 2003: 76–83.
- Jin L. Nakhleh, S. Snir and T. Tuller, Maximum Likelihood of Phylogenetic Networks , Bioinformatics, Vol 22, Number 21, November 2006, pages 2604 – 2611. All authors contributed equally.
- Moran and S. Snir, Convex Recolorings of Phylogenetic Trees: Definitions, Hardness Results and Algorithms. Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS). 74(5): 850-869 (2008).
- Snir and S. Rao. Quartets MaxCut: A Divide and Conquer Quartets Algorithm. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), Volume 7(4): 704-718 (2010).
- Snir, Y. I. Wolf and E. V. Koonin. Universal Pacemaker of Genome Evolution. PLOS Computational Biology, 8(11): e1002785, 2012.
- Snir and R. Yuster. Reconstructing approximate phylogenetic trees from quartet samples. SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP). 41(6): 1466-1480 (2012) . Extended version of ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2010.
- Roch and S. Snir,Recovering the tree-like trend of evolution despite extensive lateral genetic transfer: A probabilistic analysis. Journal of Computational Biology (JCB). 20(2): 93-112, 2013. Extended version of RECOMB 2012.
- Alon, S. Snir and R. Yuster. On the compatibility of quartet trees, SIAM J. Discrete Math (SIDMA). 28(3), 2014. Extended version of ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2014.
- Shifman, N. Ninyo, U. Gophna and S. Snir. Phylo SI: A New Genome Wide Approach for Prokaryotic Phylogeny. Nucleic Acids Research (NAR). 42 (4): 2391-2404, 2014.
- Avni*, R. Cohen*, and S. Snir. Weighted Quartets Phylogenetics. Systematic Biology. 64 (2): 233-242, 2015, *Authors contributed equally.